937-225-4598 Ext. 3038 amber.dennis@mcesc.org
About US

Our Goal

It is the goal of this collaboration to share the strengths of each of our member Educational Service Centers in Darke, Greene, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, and Warren Counties to benefit all students, parents, and educators.  

Our Mission

“Develop a passion for learning.  If you do, you will never cease to grow.” 
-Anthony J. D’Angelo

About Us

The Educational Service Centers of Darke, Greene, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, and Warren Counties have formed a collaborative to better leverage our combined resources. We are collaborating and coordinating Professional Development services both within our region and beyond. We will constantly reevaluate our service model to best meet the needs of the member and non-member school districts in Western Ohio.

In these times of evaluation, testing, and regulations, district professional development is often squeezed out and leaves teachers without critical support. Budget restrictions often force districts to spend time on a myriad of tasks that need to be completed versus meaningful professional development. Likewise, a single district can’t have expertise in all the content areas at every grade level. We want to provide you the very best professional development to help you meet your district goals with instruction, assessment, and most importantly, improved student learning. Within the areas of curriculum, instruction, assessment, evaluation, and behavior, we have compiled a list of resources and professional development opportunities that we can provide for your district. Our PD providers and contact information are on this website. We will create any necessary training if there’s a topic you don’t see listed. Let us help you by working with your teachers in a long-term professional relationship. Our experts know of the latest research-based resources and strategies. State and federal initiatives are constantly changing the landscape and our experts can help you navigate these waters of uncertainty with confidence.